
Fixed Desk vs Desk Booking vs Flex Desk: How to Choose

Coworking spaces have become the go-to solution for professionals seeking flexibility and community. Adapting to the evolving nature of work, coworking spaces now offer a spectrum of membership options. This article explores the evolution of coworking membership options, emphasizing fixed desks, desk booking, and flex desks. Our focus is on providing insights to help coworking operators make strategic decisions that enhance revenue, space utilization, and overall profitability.

Understanding Desk Options: What is Desk Booking, Flex Desk?

To make informed decisions, it's essential for coworking operators to grasp the distinctions between fixed desks, desk booking, and flex desks. From dedicated workstations to flexible, dynamic workspace arrangements, understanding the nuances of each option is crucial in optimizing space and revenue.

  • Fixed desk: members pay a monthly fee for a dedicated desk that’s always theirs.
  • Flex desk: members can sit anywhere they want in your flex desk area, leaving the desk empty when they leave.
  • Desk booking: members can reserve a specific desk in advance, making sure they’ll have a place to work from.

Tailoring to Your Business Needs: Which is Right for You?

The selection of desk options has a direct impact on revenue and space utilization for coworking operators. Rather than being just a member-centric decision, it's about aligning business requirements with the unique characteristics of fixed desks, desk booking, and flex desks. This involves evaluating the potential for revenue generation, space optimization, and member satisfaction.

fixed desk vs flex desk

Enhancing Your Coworking Experience With the Right Technology

As you navigate the realm of coworking desk options, you’ll want to make sure your member management software offers the right functionalities. From streamlined reservation systems to intuitive interfaces, there are several solutions on the market that empower you to make the most out of your chosen coworking setup.

Understanding Fixed Desks

Fixed desks offer stability and personalization. It involves providing dedicated workspaces within the coworking space, creating a consistent environment. The advantages for operators include reliable revenue streams, a potential for higher pricing due to the added value of dedicated space, and the opportunity to foster a sense of community among members with consistent seating arrangements.

A fixed desk is precisely what it sounds like—a dedicated, unchanging workspace within the coworking expanse. Unlike the ebb and flow of hot-desking, a fixed desk is your steady anchor, a place to call your own amidst the collaborative sea of coworkers.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Fixed Desks?


  • Consistent Workspace: The hallmark of fixed desks is the reliability they offer. Imagine arriving each day to the same desk, set up just the way you like it. It's the constancy that fosters a work environment conducive to productivity and focus.
  • Personalization and Ownership: One of the perks of a fixed desk is the freedom to personalize your space, for instance leaving a monitor or a keyboard there. This sense of ownership fosters a connection with your workspace, making it more than just a place to work.
  • Enhanced Sense of Community: Having a fixed spot amidst a dynamic coworking community cultivates a unique camaraderie. You're not just sharing a space; you're part of a collective journey. Engaging with familiar faces day in and day out builds a supportive professional network.


  • More expensive: While some members will happily pay a premium to have a dedicated desk, it’s a solution that will likely be too expensive for everyone, so it’s important to get the ratio of fixed desks vs flex desks right (for example 20/80 or 40/60).
  • Space optimization: If you have 10 members of a fixed desk plan, you need 10 desks. But if you have 10 flex members, maybe you only need 6 or 8 desks. You should therefore understand that the higher revenue coming from fixed desk memberships also involve more physical resources.

Exploring Desk Booking Options

Desk Booking is not just about member reservations; it's a strategy for optimizing revenue by offering a dynamic solution that aligns with the diverse needs of today's professionals. Operators can benefit from the flexibility of space utilization, accommodating varying work styles and schedules.

Desk Booking is not just a reservation system; it's a gateway to a workspace tailored to your preferences. This option allows you to choose your workspace dynamically, giving you the freedom to pick and choose a spot that resonates with your work vibe on any given day.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Desk Booking?


  • More opportunities: Desk booking is a great option for space offering day passes or that may want to open up their availability to non-members, who might need a desk only for a few days and want to book it in advance.
  • Adaptability for Varied Work Schedules: For those with unpredictable work schedules or dynamic routines, desk booking is a game-changer. Whether you're a night owl or an early bird, this option seamlessly adapts to your varied work hours, ensuring that you always have a dedicated spot when you need it.
  • Experience and Dedicated Spots: While the flexibility of desk booking is liberating, it introduces a potential point of friction for users. The process of opening an app and booking a desk may be perceived as inconvenient. However, this is balanced by the advantage of having a guaranteed dedicated spot upon arrival, a particularly appealing feature for non-members booking a desk for the day, especially relevant for spaces offering day passes.


  • Friction: Having to open an app and select a desk is no problem if done on an occasional basis, but it can be a bit annoying if it’s required every day before accessing a space. So user experience is something to keep in mind, for instance allowing recurring schedules or easier ways to book their desk.
desk booking

The Appeal of Flex Desks

Flex Desks appears as a solution of adaptability, offering professionals the ultimate freedom to craft their work environment. Let's delve into the defining features, advantages, and considerations that make flex desks a compelling choice in the quest for the perfect workspace.

Flex Desks provide operators with the ultimate flexibility in space utilization. It involves offering professionals the freedom to choose their workspace on a day-to-day basis, ensuring a dynamic and responsive approach to their work environment. The advantages for operators include optimizing revenue by charging for space usage, attracting a broader audience with diverse work preferences, and adapting to changing market demands.

Flex Desks epitomize agility in the coworking realm. This membership option provides users with the flexibility to choose their workspace on a day-to-day basis, ensuring a dynamic and responsive approach to their work environment.

Advantages of Flex Desks

  • Ultimate Flexibility: Providing professionals with the ultimate freedom to shape their workspace according to their dynamic needs and schedules.
  • Adaptability to Changing Work Styles: Designed to evolve with your work style. Whether you're embracing collaboration or seeking focused solace, these desks seamlessly adjust to meet your ever-changing preferences.

Considerations for Flex Desks

  • Potential for a Less Consistent Workspace:  While flex desks offer unparalleled flexibility, it's essential to consider the potential for a less consistent workspace. Evaluate whether the dynamic nature aligns with your need for stability in your day-to-day work environment.
  • Balancing Flexibility with Community Connection: Striking the right balance between flexibility and community connection is key with flex desks. Ensure that the freedom to choose your workspace aligns harmoniously with your desire for a connected coworking community.
  • Addressing the Need for a Permanent Base: Flex Desks may lack the permanence of fixed options. Consider your need for a stable, permanent base and explore how flex desks can complement this requirement within the coworking ecosystem.

How will users choose their preferred option?

In the intricate dance of choosing between fixed desks, desk booking, and flex desks, understanding your members' individual work preferences is the key to unlocking your ideal coworking experience. Let's break it down into bite-sized considerations that play a crucial role in this decision-making waltz.

1. Work Routine and Schedule: Syncing with Your Productivity Peaks

Your work routine is as unique as your fingerprint. Are you a morning person who thrives on the early hours, or does your creativity peak in the late afternoon? Consider how fixed desks, desk booking, or flex desks align with your daily rhythm. For those with a predictable 9-to-5 schedule, a fixed desk might offer the stability you crave. If your work hours are more unpredictable, the flexibility of desk booking or flex desks might be your ideal match.

2. Need for Consistency or Variety: Tailoring Your Workspace Experience

Are you someone who finds comfort in a familiar setting, surrounded by the same faces and setup every day? A fixed desk might be your sanctuary. On the flip side, if you thrive on change, seek variety, and enjoy the novelty of different workspaces, desk booking or flex desks might be calling your name. Consider how much consistency or variety fuels your productivity and creativity.

3. Budget Considerations: Maximizing Value for Your Investment

Let's talk about money. Each coworking option comes with its own price tag. Assess your budgetary constraints and how each membership aligns with your financial goals. fixed desks might require a more substantial upfront investment, offering a consistent home base. Desk Booking and flex desks, on the other hand, often provide cost-effective solutions, especially for those who prioritize flexibility over a dedicated space.

4. Importance of Community and Networking: Building Professional Relationships

Are you all about the camaraderie, collaboration, and the networking potential within a coworking space? fixed desks, with their consistent communities, may be perfect for those who thrive on building long-term connections. However, don't underestimate the networking opportunities within a dynamic environment facilitated by desk booking or flex desks, where diverse professionals come and go, creating a vibrant tapestry of connections.

Making an Informed Decision

Now that we've uncovered the nuances of fixed desks, desk booking, and flex desks, it's time to equip you with the tools to make an informed decision. Choosing your ideal coworking setup involves a thoughtful evaluation of the offerings, considering trial periods, gathering feedback, and being flexible to adapt to evolving work dynamics.

By evaluating these aspects, you're setting the stage for a workspace that seamlessly integrates with your professional lifestyle:

The Importance of Trial Periods or Short-Term Memberships

Diving headfirst into a long-term commitment can be daunting. Many coworking spaces understand this, which is why they often offer trial periods or short-term memberships. Take advantage of these opportunities to immerse yourself in the coworking experience. It's like test-driving a car; you want to make sure it's the right fit before committing. During this period, assess how well the space aligns with your workflow, community expectations, and overall comfort.

Adjusting Preferences Over Time

Flexibility isn't just about desk choices; it's also about recognizing that your professional needs may change over time. Your ideal coworking setup today might evolve as your work dynamics shift. Stay attuned to these changes and be open to adjusting your preferences accordingly. Perhaps you start with a fixed desk for stability but find that a more flexible arrangement better suits your evolving schedule down the line.

As you embark on this coworking adventure, remember that the key lies in balance – a balance between evaluating options, embracing trial experiences, seeking community insights, and adapting to the ebb and flow of your professional journey.


For coworking space owners, deciding on desk options—fixed, desk booking, or flex—is crucial for success. In a lot of cases you are going to offer some of these options in parallel, and the main choice will be about how many physical resources to allocate with each model.

For example you could offer fixed desks memberships and the moment someone signs up, you convert one of your flex desks to fixed. There will be a limit to this (when the ratio of flex memberships over flex desks is too high) but it’s a strategy that can work.

Choosing the right technology is also important for a smooth experience, especially if desk booking is part of your offer.

Ultimately coworking operators should balance member needs, revenue, and community. Trial periods help members try the space, and operators can adapt offerings based on feedback. The goal is to create a coworking space that fits the diverse needs of a changing work environment, providing a great experience for all.

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