
Traffic Study for Coworking Websites 2019

Online Presence of the Coworking Industry

The internet has become indispensable to our lives, which is the reason why website traffic simply cannot be ignored. Website traffic determines whether your space reaches farther than just the people you know.

Find out whether your website page views are low for a coworking space, which social channels work best, which channels give the best referral traffic and more.

Analytics for Coworking Websites

Traffic Study for Coworking Websites 2019

We’ve aggregated data from 21 coworking spaces with the most outstanding website traffic practices. Our analysis includes industry averages, trends, and insights you can benchmark your own coworking space against. We hope these traffic insights can help grow your business.

These 21 websites attract a total of 11 million users per quarter, among a mix of small and large chains.

Download the FULL study here.

The Breakdown

Time spent on website/ visit

Average time spent: 1:09

Spaces that are outstanding at keeping people engaged:

The more time a visitor spends on your website indicates that they are more engaged with your content. Coworking spaces who are more successful in keeping their visitors on their website longer have a better opportunity of communicating what they have to offer, nurturing the interest of the potential customer. Some tips to improve this metric would be to shorten the loading time of your website. In this age of convenience, users rarely stay on a page that takes too long to load or seems unorganized. So optimizing your website design, making it faster and improving readability, will allow your users to focus on your product and services and convert them to paying members.

Traffic Study for Coworking Websites 2019


Average page/session: 2.2

Spaces that are outstanding at keeping people wanting more:

The more pages a visitor reads on a website, the more they learn about your company. A higher number of pages for this metric indicates that a user is more engaged and that your call-to-actions on each page makes sense. Some tips to improve this would be to improve the user’s experience by inserting related content, next-step or pop-ups that will prompt them to read more than what they have just read.

Traffic Study for Coworking Websites 2019

Bounce rate/visit

Average bounce rate: 52.7%

Spaces outstanding at preventing users from leaving:

A high bounce rate means that a user lands on your page, does not perform any action like clicking onto another page and leaves. It is the percentage of visits to your website from the initial landing page without performing any further actions. To improve your bounce rate the two tips given above will help. That is to create more compelling call-to-actions, improve the readability of your website and so on.

Traffic Study for Coworking Websites 2019

Direct Traffic

Average direct traffic percentage: 29.57

Spaces that excel in this:

Direct traffic indicates how often people are searching specifically for your space. A high percentage in this area shows recognition and value of your brand because your space comes to mind so much that users look for it directly in the search engines, without any prompting or exposure from other websites. To improve this, work on your branding, the way you reach out to your users and so on.

Traffic Study for Coworking Websites 2019

The Top Referrals

These referral websites are most popular amongst the top 21 coworking chains. Referral traffic (traffic that comes from outside sources to your website) can be increased by leveraging other websites in terms of guest content or other partnerships. Writing relevant content on other company blogs and publications, exchanging backlinks, and publishing industry research are all perfect examples of how to get the right referrals, and by extension more exposure, for your business.

The Importance of Being Listed in the Right Directories:

While paid ads are expensive and achieving a high ranking in Google may take a long time, getting referrals from listing pages that already capture that traffic is one of the most effective ways to drive users to your website. In some cases, that may even result in your business appearing directly in a featured snippet, like in the example below.

Traffic Study for Coworking Websites 2019


Organic Search

Average organic search: 44.73%

Top spaces

Paid Search

Average paid search: 7.05

Top search

Average cost per click for a position #1 Ad result in Google*

Traffic Study for Coworking Websites 2019
(based on 40 cities in the US and Canada)

Organic traffic is traffic that comes “naturally” when people fall on your website while searching, while paid traffic comes from advertisements or other paid mediums that make your website more visible.

Referral Traffic from Social Media

Average referral traffic from social media: 2.95

Top social medium

  • No.1: Facebook
  • No.2: Linkedin
  • No.3: Twitter

Special -- uses twitter 75.07


The data gathered is based on metrics from SimilarWeb.

  • 21 spaces that have the largest traffic that combined attract 11M users per quarter
  • We looked at spaces with at least 10,000 visits/quarter (that have available data) and identified the largest ones
  • A mix of large chains vs smaller chains
  • Interestingly, one of the spaces, has only one location in Brooklyn. However, we decided to include it because of their web traffic stats, which make it an example for other single location business owners looking to attract thousands of visitors to their website.
  • For more information on how SimilarWeb collects data, you can read this.

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